cfsmtb in low earth orbit

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I don't mind this 80's revival thing after all

Seriously I despised the 80's. Actually, the first half. The second half, I was all of five years older and decided I would attire ones self in pretty much what I damn well pleased. I WORE BLACK. ALL THE TIME. As a proto yob-goth this perfectly suited my surly adolescent personality and matching miserable outlook to perfection.

Now this 80's thing at the mo. No. I don't appreciate it one iota. Why? Simply, I was present the first time round and hate being reminded of what (apparently) was fashionable to the proles. Like hideous 80's fashion. Frigging tapered trousers (sorry ladies, brainless yobs previously wore these), enough hair product to drown the wearer (been there), pointy boots (still have these, purchased from Emporio on Swanston) and on and on the list of horrors goes. Anyone care for a round of Fluffy Ducks or Black Russians?

Now imagine the wry bemusement when sifting through RSS feeds for cycling-themed news for Wheels of Justice, when I stumble across reference to Limahl. Yes "Never Ending Story" Limahl. According to the recent Letters section in the Hampstead and Highgate Express, he's a cycling advocate now. Hallelujah Brother! Praise teh Lord! There's hope for the human race yet!

Staying on the theme of redemption, in the aftermath of the US Democrats election victory, things could indeed be looking up for cyclists:
Election turns wheels of power in favor of bikes: Cyclists are pumped as advocates move into key House transportation roles. Andy Clarke, who heads the League of American Cyclists, says he won't advocate that interstates become bike paths after last Tuesday's elections. But cycling enthusiasts are dreaming big after their three biggest supporters in Congress - including two from Oregon - were swept into powerful new transportation positions after the Democrats took control of the U.S. House.

Rep. Jim Oberstar, D-Minn., who helped author the 1991 law that opened the door to federal funding for bike projects, is in line to become chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
In Australia, there's three election campaigns on the horizon. The Victorian state elections next weekend, which in all honesty, the campaign trail has been as boring as bugfuck. Then NSW in early 2007 and the Federal Election in late 2007. These two could be a major factor in providing a long overdue change towards cycling attitudes and funding. The NSW government has seriously neglected cycling infrastructure, as has the Federal Government. Actually the Fed's have been maintaining a safe distance from those pesky and problematic cycling issues and simply churn out nice meanless motherhood statements to keep the populace happy. Funny that.

In local chatter, the G20 mothership has landed in Melbourne and by all accounts, the most effective way to transport yourself around the CBD is either Shanks Pony or the pedally. And lol and behold, Mick Wiggums is spouting crap again,

Superintendent Mick Williams said he believed "splinter groups" of protesters planned to occupy the lobbies of the buildings but that police did not know which ones. "In the past they'll go into the foyer of a building, perhaps even try and access the CEO's floor, and we're about trying to prevent that, and I know that most of the property managers have standard operating procedures to prevent that type of thing happening and we'd ask that they review their security," Mr Williams said.

I recall the WTO protests in Melbourne, September 2000. One included a reasonably polite protest in the Herald Sun foyer, where one A. Bolt was seen to be visably edging away from the grubby ferals and trying to make a break for the lifts. Oh you big tough man you. You have to admire the silly bugger though, as he's still holding steathfast to the fast crumbing belief that global warming is not based upon fact.

In closing, a word to Mick, you're warmly invited along to Critical Mass's 11th Birthday next week. But please this time, attempt to see sense and don't waste anymore tax payer money by rostering on staff for afterhours duties. Bring the bike instead. Ta.


  • I had a wee look through the letters written by Limahl (ex lead singer of Kajagoogoo) (As he seems to entitle himself) and I wouldn't agree with at least one of his points. His 'running red lights' theory isn't one I hold to (Although I get the argument he's trying to put across I just don't buy into it). Did you get a read of that? If not, here's a link to the article I mean.

    It makes you wonder what other hasbeens are big cycling advocates nowadays.

    By Blogger 3Ply Stagliano, at 12:19 am, November 18, 2006  

  • Nice sentiments from L, although I find them a tad simplistic. The "road fear" thing is a big one, for battle-hardened types like us it's like "what truck"?, there's a perfectly good road here & I'll use it.

    As for reds, the pollution thing doesn't ring true to me, it's more like the sensors have failed to detect the bike & the lights won't change that is annoying. Sometimes you're forced to press the ped lights etc. I can get the "get away from the traffic early" point, but this can be done be correctly positioning yourself on the road or simply filtering up to the front (we've got "bicycle storage boxes" painted on the roads here in Victoria)

    Does the same point hold true in the UK?

    BTW - see this recent Bike Biz article?

    By Blogger cfsmtb, at 10:28 am, November 18, 2006  

  • Oh yes, some traffic lights (Although it's very infrequent) have little green boxes where you're supposed to filter through and stop your bike. Unfortunately, a lot of motorists will drive into these boxes and make having them pretty pointless. I'm sure it's an offence for them to drive there but I don't think the authorities crack down on it.

    I wish big trucks didn't bother me whatsoever. Whilst I wouldn't say they send me into a frenzy of fear, I'm happier when they've passed than when they're passing. Funnily enough though, I would say generally truck drivers are a more considerate bunch than car drivers. That's not to put down car drivers. Most of them are okay but, well, it's been well documented without me blethering on about it.

    I had read a similar article to the BikeBiz one before and still find it almost impossible to believe Jeremy Clarkson is a regular cyclist. Funnily enough, I was just listening to Kraftwerk when I looked at the link.

    I wonder what speed Robin Williams goes at if he's out with Lance Armstrong? Whatever it is, it would be about twice what I could manage.

    By Blogger 3Ply Stagliano, at 3:07 am, November 19, 2006  

  • I will sadly admit that my cd collection has not seen much growth since the 80's
    that was my music interest peak

    as far as running red lights and stop signs

    I think that cyclists should view these as yield signs
    keep the momentum

    yesterday I was nearly run down
    there were words after the altercation
    I was told that I was going to get killed
    I agreed
    that I could be killed
    all the while within the limits of the law

    By Blogger gwadzilla, at 12:02 am, January 08, 2007  

  • oh
    that picture of you is very Liquid Sky

    By Blogger gwadzilla, at 12:02 am, January 08, 2007  

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