cfsmtb in low earth orbit

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

N + 1 gone wrong

A bad dream? Nightmare on Elm Street? Untreated kleptomaniac? The final resting place for unloved kiddies bikes? Though the pool completely mystifies me. Click here for larger pic. Click here for idle musings about the image.
Hey mum, can you move the huffy so Dad can move the speedwell so Bill can move his Raleigh so John can move the malvern star, so I can move the repco, then the dunlop so I can get to my surly???


  • Do you think someone stocked up for Y2K under the illusion all the cars in the world were going to stop working and they could make millions from their bicycle horde?

    Do you think it's a real photo or some photo nerd has fixed it to look like that?

    An old man (Who died about a year ago) who lived near where we used to live had a big collection of old bikes. He used to run a bike shop and there were all sorts of crazy old trikes and Pennyfarthings etc. in his rickety old shed. It wasn't on the scale of that collection but I do remember him once offering my Dad 'Fifty bikes for fifty pounds' from his shed (Not the shed with the Pennyfarthings, I'm sorry to say). My Dad was very close to taking his offer but thought of the trouble he would get in with my Ma when he got home. In the end, he probably made the right decision.

    By Blogger 3Ply Stagliano, at 1:55 am, November 23, 2006  

  • that is absurd

    it almost makes me feel better about my basement and my garage

    if that photo is real

    maybe someone should lend a hand

    once call to Bikes to the World
    or another not for profit
    and they could start growing grass again

    By Blogger gwadzilla, at 11:56 pm, January 07, 2007  

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